delete a download from downloads.php?view=detail&id=xxxx

Enthält archivierte Beiträge von Hotschi's Board zum Download MOD.
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delete a download from downloads.php?view=detail&id=xxxx

Beitrag von atmos »

is it possible to make in your next release a delete button next to the edit button, so users/moderator/admin can delete there own or user submitted upload ?

and is it also possible when you edit a download, that you can select the only moderators can move a download to the right category with the moderator panel... thats a bummer when a user made a mistake.

Beitrag von oxpus »

is it possible to make in your next release a delete button next to the edit button, so users/moderator/admin can delete there own or user submitted upload ?
Deleting downloads will only be part fot Download Moderators or Board Administrators.
and is it also possible when you edit a download, that you can select the only moderators can move a download to the right category with the moderator panel... thats a bummer when a user made a mistake.
No, because the moving functions are hidden in the moderator panel.
A user should upload a download, but moderators and admins are asked to check this.